We want you to become the best trumpeter that you can be. No matter the situation, we want you to be ready. That’s why we created the Versatile Trumpeter.
We want you to become the best trumpeter that you can be. No matter the situation, we want you to be ready. That’s why we created the Versatile Trumpeter.
We wanted to create a resource for our students and other trumpeters out there … something that would better prepare them for the real world. We also wanted to help all the working pros and weekend warriors feel even more confident in playing any style.
It’s a new world out there, with many musical opportunities around every corner. It’s also more competitive than ever - so we want you to get and stay ahead. Say yes to the gig, no matter what it is.
I guess you’ve got enough gigs … but we haven’t met any pro who has stopped improving and trying to conquer new barriers.
Go practice.
Not enough. But probably 75 - 100.
Well … 9 out of 10 times, yes. Sure, we all love retail therapy. But we find practice room therapy to be far more effective.
Most people spend a lot of time looking for the right gear as opposed to spending that time looking for the solutions that they need to bring into the practice room … looking for the right practice materials and right strategy.
This is the first duet book that is specifically geared towards versatility in jazz and commercial genres. It talks about doubles, mutes, articulations, sound, and the specific challenges that you’ll face playing them. This is road tested info that we’ve learned the hard way over years of gigs, studio sessions, and teaching.
Go practice. Slower, and with a tuner.
Go practice.